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Tuesday 4 March 2014

Creating collaborative Partnerships (Chapter 15)

Web 2.0 is the next generation of Internet use . encourages user participation and the formation of communities .
Content sharing through open sourcing
Open system – consists of nonproprietary hardware and software .
Source code – contains instructions written by a programmer specifying by computer software .
Open sources – refers to any software whose source code is made available free for any third party to review and modifying .
User-Contributed Content
Is created and updated by many users for many users . Flicks, Wikipedia , and YouTube
Collaboration inside the organization
Is a set of tools that supports the work of teams or groups .
-                     Explicit and Tacit Knowledge
Explicit knowledge – consists of anything that can be documented , archived , and codified with the help IT
 Tacit Knowledge – The knowledge contained in people’s heads .
Collaboration outsides the organization
Crowdsourcing – refers to the wisdom of the crowd .
Networking communities with Business 2.0
  • Social tagging – the collaboration activity of marking shared online
  • Blogs – an online journal that allows users to post their own comment , graphics , and video .
  • Wikis – types of collaboration web type that allows user to add , remove , and change content .
  • Mashup – website that uses content from more than one source to create a completely new product .

The challenges of Business
-Technology Dependence
-Information Vandalism

-Violation of copyright and plagiarism 

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