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Monday 9 December 2013

IT in Business - Chapter 2

After completing this topic , I had learn why competitive advantages are typically temporary , I am able to list and explain the five forces in porter’s five forces model , compare porter’s three generic strategic and describe the relationship between business processes and value chain . 

 Competitive Advantage :


Micheal Porter’s Five Forces Model is useful tool to aid organization in challenging decision wheter to join a new industry or industry segment

*Rivalry among existing competitiors

  • High - when competition is fierce in a market
  • Low - when competition is more complacent 
  • Best practice of IT - Wal-MArt and its suppliers using IT-enabled system , Reduce cost by using effective supply chain
*Buyer Power

  • High - buyers have few choices of whome to buy from
  • Low - .when their choices are few to reduce buyer power , an organization must  ,make it more attractive to buy from company not from competitors . eg. rewards on free airline ticket or hotel stays 

 *Supplier power

  • High - buyers have few choices of whom to buy from 
  • Low -  when their choice are many the best practices of IT to create competitive advantage . eg . private exchange allow a single buyer to posts it needs and then open the bidding to any supplier would care

*Threat of new entries

  • High - it easy for new competitors to enter a market 
  • Low - when there are significant entry barriers to entering a market. eg. new bank must online paying bills. 

*Threat of substitute product

  • High - there are many alternatives to a product or service. 
  • Low - there are few alternatives from which to choose 
  • An organization would like to be on a market in which there are few substitutes of their product
  • eg . electronic product 


1 . Cost Leadership 

  • Becoming a low-cost producer in the industry 
  • Competitors with higher costs cannot afford to compete with the low-cost leader on price
2 . Differentiation 

  • Create competitive advantages by distinguishing their product
  • Unique features or benefits my justify price differences 
  • eg . i-care by proton
3 . Focused strategy 

  • Target to a niche market 
  • concentrates on either cost leadership or differentiation


The Value Chain - Targeting Business Process 

  • Supply Chain - a chain or series of processes that adds value to product & services for customer .
  • Add value to its products and services that support a profit margin for the firm .

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